Wednesday, April 30, 2014

My Best Frenemy: The Devil
The Devil, Secret Tarot
If you Like my Facebook page and you've been following along with 78 Weeks of Tarot, you might have seen this week's card, The Devil.  Now, with my crazy schedule, and two little kids running around, I really don't have time to plan ahead what exactly I'm going to say about each week's card.  Sometimes I barely even have any quotes or images on hand.  So earlier this morning, as I was finding some good stuff to post relevant to the Devil I realized...

So much of the stuff I was seeing really applied to me.  At first it was like "LOL fuck yeah!" And then it was like "Oh.. but wait."

I've always had problems with temptation and self control.  Ever since I was little.  After Halloween my bed would practically bulge from the candy wrappers I hid under the mattress.  I started smoking cigarettes by myself when I was 16.  No peer pressure needed.  When my high school sweetheart broke my heart for the second time, I made myself feel better by having LOTS of sex... with anyone (not to say that having lots of sex is necessarily a bad thing... but I won't go on slut-shaming tirade right here).

Now don't get the wrong idea!  Usually it's pretty mundane stuff... like an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's in one sitting.  Or staying up all night when I'm not working.  Or spending extra money on something I want right now instead of saving it for something better.  These are things I think we all do sometimes.  And that's alright, I think.  Sometimes we deserve these little indulgences.  But there are also those rare times when the Devil whispers "why not?" there's a really REALLY good reason why not.. and I go and do it anyway.