Today I posted the Emperor, and I realize that the quote I chose probably says a lot more about me than the card as a whole. Whoops, I think my daddy issues are showing. I just see him as unflinchingly stern. Not uncaring, but still stone-like. He believes in order and systems. If you don't follow the order, he believes discipline will set you back in line. This goes more in hand with the reverse of the card, but it is an aspect of the Emperor nonetheless. And on Friday I'll make sure to highlight him in a more positive light.
There are so many different facets to each tarot card, none can be summed up sufficiently with one quote. So I guess it's a good thing that I try to give each card at least two graphics. And when we run through the entire deck, we can start over and keep exploring all those angles. It's one of my favorite tarot hobbies!