Hi there! You read tarot as a job right? I'm quite young and kind of want to do that when I'm older. My sister mentioned that people would think I'm a fraud or crazy and id probably be harassed...have you ever run into that sort of thing?
As of right now, I read tarot on the side. It’s not my full time job… yet! As much as I would love for it to be ;)
You know what, if tarot is something you’re really passionate about, you can make it into a living if you put the work into it. Your sister’s comments say a lot about her, and not much about tarot professionals. Her personal beliefs don’t have anything to do with you, and you don’t have to let them dictate your dreams.
I’ve run into plenty who don’t believe in tarot, or treat it like a party game. It doesn’t bother me. My experiences can’t deny the authenticity of tarot or a good reader. It takes a certain kind of faith to believe in though, and not everyone has it. *shrug* and that’s ok. When I come across people who are in the mood to start a debate, I just stay calm and professional. And if they can’t be at least respectful, the conversation is over. I have better things to do with my time.
You know what, if tarot is something you’re really passionate about, you can make it into a living if you put the work into it. Your sister’s comments say a lot about her, and not much about tarot professionals. Her personal beliefs don’t have anything to do with you, and you don’t have to let them dictate your dreams.
I’ve run into plenty who don’t believe in tarot, or treat it like a party game. It doesn’t bother me. My experiences can’t deny the authenticity of tarot or a good reader. It takes a certain kind of faith to believe in though, and not everyone has it. *shrug* and that’s ok. When I come across people who are in the mood to start a debate, I just stay calm and professional. And if they can’t be at least respectful, the conversation is over. I have better things to do with my time.