I'm the anon who asked about the reading on how someone else is feeling, how would that be problematic ethically? I don't want to do it for malicious reasons or anything, just looking for some answers.
Hey! Thanks for coming back and asking actually, I’m glad you wanna know.
This is one of those things where the lines get a little blurry but basically, what you were asking about would be considered a third party reading.
Third party readings are readings about someone other than yourself or your client and usually you don’t have the subject’s consent. So say your client comes up to you and asks if their ex-spouse is miserable with their new lover. Could you read about it? Yeah probably! And some people would have no problems with it. But it’s almost like an invasion of privacy, yeah? So if that were the case and I was asked that question, I might redirect and say “Hey, instead of that, why don’t we ask about how you can let go of any negativity you still have hanging onto you about your past relationships” or something along those lines.
This is really something that you need to decide for yourself, where you stand and how you feel about doing readings like this. Sometimes it’s something you need to decide on a case by case basis. Probably most of us at some time or another have done a third party reading, whether to try to get insight on how a crush feels about us, or our bestie is in a tight spot and we wanna know what they’re going through and how to be supportive and help them out.
I hope this all is making sense to you and I’m not sounding snotty about it. I can assure you, this kind of thing didn’t once cross my mind when I was first starting out, but was pointed out to me by someone with more experience, and I thought it was worth considering.