Tuesday, November 24, 2015

#QueenieAnswers: How does Tarot Work?

Hey lovely! How does the tarot work in your opinion/experience??

lol such a casual greeting followed by such a heavy question!
The cards are mostly based on archetypes that are recognized in pretty much all cultures and are repeated in myth, folklore, and religion from all over the world, from the earliest records of human history.  
These archetypes are pretty deeply ingrained into the collective consciousness.  Tarot cards use that to their advantage.  We recognize the “big ideas” behind the symbolism even if we haven’t studied symbolism in depth.  This is especially true of the Major Arcana, but is seen through the minors as well (of those decks that have illustrated minors).
So we draw the cards and we can tie these ideas into pretty much any situation. (wow this gives me a really good fucking idea, let me write this down!)
So.. the cards we draw, are they all just random?  Are we manipulating what we see in the cards to fit the situation?  Is it just math and probability and our own insistence that we find meaning to it?
I don’t think so.  
I believe in coincidences, but I believe even more in synchronicity.  The cards that are drawn *are* the ones that need to be seen and applied.  Who’s delivering them?  Fuck if I know!  The Universe/Source, deity, spirit guides, higher self?  They’re all good options.
To me, less important than untangling how tarot works and why is just believing that it does, and having faith in yourself that you’re up to the task of coming to the right conclusions.