Saturday, February 6, 2016

Valentine's Day Sex Tarot Prediction

So, this was fun to make!  I'm not sure blogger supports clicking and dragging to find where you stop, so if you're having trouble, head over to my Facebook page and you can stop the gif to get your Valentine's Day Sex Prediction!  
These are totally random card pairs that I put sexy spin on.  Some of them are so perfect, I couldn't have made them up if I tried.  I hope you're as amused with these as I am!

10 of Cups + Ace of Wands  Your in-laws offered to watch the kids!  Drop them off and skip the restaurant, hurry home and get laid before you get a call about how little Johnny needs to come home because he's projectile vomiting

8 of Swords + Knight of Swords  Feeling like trying something kinky?  Bondage!  Ask your partner to tie you up (or tie them up yourself).  But.. ok shit, those knots are pretty tight.  Hope you've got a pair of scissors handy,  you're going to need to be cut out of that rope.

Death + the Chariot  The French call orgasm "la petite mort," the little death.  Make sure you get yours!  Don't be shy about telling your partner to keep going... right there.... DON'T STOP!

The Empress + 7 of Pentacles  Nothing says sexy quite like "Let's make a baby!"  She's serious.  Are you going to dive into bed or run, not walk, to the nearest open drugstore for condoms?

The High Priestess + 8 of Wands  Sometimes you're on your own.  Good thing you know exactly what you like.  Grab your favorite high speed toy, and get to work.  (and if you're not on your own, show your partner just how it's done)

Emperor + 10 of Swords  Let your partner take total control.  Complete domination.  If you can still walk when they're done... they're not done.

The World + 6 of Pentacles  Sometimes the only way you're going to see a naked lady is to pay to see a naked lady.  Don't be stingy, tip well.