Tuesday, February 4, 2014

This isn't Working, & Neither am I

Last week I had leftover vacation hours.  I only worked Sunday and Saturday with the rest of the week off.  Did it snow?  Not once.

This week I have zero vacation hours.  I'm scheduled for a full week.  And we get hit with two snowstorms in a row.  My babysitter can't and/or won't drive in the snow.  So this is two nights that I've had to call out of work.  That doesn't look good.  Especially for a (low level) supervisor.  I do have a back up baby sitter but she has other kids to take care of in the mornings, and with my other half not getting home until 5am, she just can't stay that long unless she's off the next day.  So here I am again, unexpectedly home another night.

I don't even want to complain about it, but I worked really hard to get this position, and when I can't come in because of my babysitter it really frustrates me.  And even though they're family friendly, it's one thing to call out every once in a while because your child is sick, and it's another to be doing it because your sitter won't drive to you every time there's snow on the ground.  It's hard to find someone reliable willing to work overnight at a price we can afford.  Stepping down from this position has definitely crossed my mind.  I just can't afford NOT to be working full time right now. 

Maybe one day I'll have enough clients to stay home and make tarot reading my full-time job, but today is not that day. 

On the bright side, the Universal Fantasy came in the mail today!  More on that a little later tonight or tomorrow, but here's a quick sneak peek!