Friday, July 11, 2014

How Does it Work?

When I meet new people, especially online, and tell them that I am a tarot reader, their first question is either "What is that?" or "How does it work?"

So let me break it down as quickly and basically as I can for those of you who have no idea what tarot is or how it works.  And if you would like some further explanation or information, I would be more than happy to answer your questions!

A standard tarot deck contains 78 cards.  They are split up in Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. 

The Majors are comprised of archetypal themes that we as human beings all recognize on a subconscious level.  The mother figure of the Empress, the karma and cycle of the Wheel of Fortune, the inspiration of the Star.  The balance and blindness of Justice. 

The Minors are additionally split up into four suits: Wands, Swords, Cups, and Pentacles and each have their own theme.  Each suit is numbered Ace through Ten and include Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings as court cards.

Some cards you probably recognize from TV shows or movies.  Death.  The Devil.  These are used most dramatically!  They lend a sense of doom or despair.  If I pull Death it doesn't mean you're going to die soon.  If I pull the Devil, it doesn't mean that there's a demon waiting to possess your soul the next time you go to sleep!

So how does it work?  Well, every reader works differently, and I can only tell you about my practice.  I am not a "psychic" and I don't consider myself a fortune teller.  And although I can give you likely or possible outcomes of your near future, you and the people in your life obviously have free will.  Your own actions ultimately dictate your fate. 

So let's say you're going through a difficult situation.  You have to make a decision and you're not sure how to go about it.  Ask me for a reading!  I'll lay out some cards for you in a spread, where each card signifies something different.  For example, card one might summarize the issue, card two might be one of your choices, card three would be another choice, and card four would be some advice to keep in mind while you're thinking about your decision.  For me, tarot is about gaining insight rather than solving the problem with a quick fix.  I'm not giving you the "right answer."  I'm giving you clarity, a new perspective, confidence, and encouragement so you can make a better informed decision.  A lot of times, especially for myself, a tarot reading will bring to light things you kind of already know, but that you're too distracted or worried or stressed out to realize.  Things you didn't know or didn't remember that you knew. 

Sometimes people just want a general reading, something that kind of just lays things out.  A kind of "what's going on right now, is there anything I need to be paying attention to?" sort of question. 

Many want relationship readings.  "Where can I expect this relationship to lead?"  "Why am I having problems with my boyfriend"

As to how the cards actually "work," well, that's a mystery, isn't it?  I don't use tarot to communicate with spirits, I don't do any magic to make them work.  I just trust in the Universe to deliver the message you need to hear, and I trust in my own intuition to interpret your cards accordingly.