Tuesday, August 25, 2015

#QueenieAnswers: Why I Chose the Queen of Chalices

Hi, I'd like to ask you a question... If it's too personal or if you've already answered it many times it's cool if you don't want to answer, I understand. Anyway, why did you choose the queen of chalices as your moniker--do you relate to that queen best or was it just because the name was free, or some other reason?

Queen of Cups was the card I identified with right away, more than any other court card, and more than any of the majors.  Me being a mother especially, it called to me. 

I’ve always been the friend that people told their secrets too.  I can listen without judgment and I can either let you work it out for yourself or I can tell you the sometimes difficult truth.  When I offer advice, it’s very clear that it’s coming from my heart. 

Also, I’m very much a nurturer.  It’s almost mother-hen like and can be annoying lol, I will nag if you’re not taking care of yourself and I definitely “mom” my friends quite a bit. 

And as I continued my tarot journey, I found that it fit in other ways as well, being intuitive and how I deal with emotions.. it all really fits.  Although I can sometimes come across maybe as the Queen of Swords or Wands, and they are very much both a part of my personality, QoC comes first
And finally, when I started my first taroty blog, Queen of Cups was already taken, but Queen of Chalices wasn’t ;)